Lambs of faith Preschool

The overall goal is to provide early learning experiences that assist parents in nurturing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of their young children. We believe this goal can be reached when children learn by doing - by hands-on, active learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate for young children. We further believe children develop best when all experiences occur in an atmosphere of Christian love, care, trust, and respect. 

At Lambs of Faith, we offer both full day (8:00 am-3:00 pm) and half day (8:00 am -12:00 pm) spaces for anywhere between 1-5 days a week. 

Please call us today 253-537-2696 or email to schedule a school tour! We would love to get to know you and show you what Lambs of Faith is all about!

  • faith Lutheran school mission statement

    Equipping Children with the Power of God's Word and Academic Excellence



    Faith Lutheran School is part of the Wisconsin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). WELS has supported Lutheran education for over 150 years, and its schools represent the nation's 4th largest private school system.